Unit 1Goldilocks and the three bearsStory time我嘗試略我交流1. (1)A (2)B (3)A2.第一張too cold ,第二張too hot,第三張just right3. too hard, too soft, just right4. 略我運(yùn)用1. (1)is a house.(2) it is.(3) is soup (4) are three beds2. (1)forest, house (2)beautiful (3)hungry (4)room (5)bears, in front of3. (1)hard (2)soft (3)beside (4)between (5)in front of (6)help4. (1)There is a house. (2)What a beautiful house!(3)She is hungry and thirsty. (4)Goldilocks is in the house.5. forest, beautiful house, house, hungry, thirsty, some soup, cold, too, just right, house,tired,three beds, afraid, three, in front of脫口秀略Grammar time我嘗試略我交流1. 略2. (1)B (2)A我運(yùn)用1. (1)There is some soup on the table (2)This sweetis too hard.(3)There are three flowers in front of him. (4)This water istoo hot脫口秀略Fun time我嘗試略我交流略我運(yùn)用1. (1)B (2)A2. (1)is, on (2)There, table (3)water, too hot3. (1)A (2)A (3)B脫口秀略Sound time & Culture time我嘗試1. 略2. 受歡迎的,西方國家3. 略我交流1~2 略3. (1)C (2)A (3)B (4)E (5)D我運(yùn)用1. (1)√ (2) √ (3) √ (4)× (5) × (6) √2. A C E F;B D脫口秀略Cartoon time我嘗試1. 略2. (1)B (2)A (3)E (4)D (5)C我交流  |